Draga lokostrelka,lokostrelec.
Vabimo te v našo družbo na:
Pokal Home Field
Namen pokala je, da se kljub vsem težavam, ki nas trenutno pestijo zaradi Covid19, 

ohranimo stik na daljavo. Če si za, se PRIJAVI
Tabelo za vpis rezultatov bomo delili na tvoj g-mail .

10 najboljših rezultatov se bo štelo za končni seštevek. Ujamite jih vsaj 10. Na koncu tekmovanja, sledi dogodek.


#zlokomdoma #sentlok #homefieldcup
Prijavni obrazec Pravila Rezultati
Dear SOA brothers and sisters,
Join us at the:
Home Field Cup
The purpose of the trophy is that despite all the problems currently plaguing us due to Covid19,  we keep in touch remotely. 

So If you are up for it, SIGN UP.
We will share the results table on your g-mail.

The top of 10 scores will be considered for the final total. (There must be at least 10 of them subscribed). 
At the end of the cup, we are preparing the final match for you.

#zlokomdoma #sentlok #homefieldcup
Sign Up Rules Results

Project Name

Write a tagline or short description

This is a short text area to describe the project. Just write a few words about the purpose, inspiration or success of the project and let the images tell the rest of the story. 


Every successful product is the fruit of hard work, and this applies to every field of business. Intuition alone is not enough to create a product that people will love and use. You also need to do your research, thinking, planning, differentiating yourself, and more. Write about some of the challenges you faced in designing this product and what steps you and your team took to overcome them. 


Tell potential customers why they should invest in this product. Describe its benefits, its advantages over similar products, and its unique features. Make sure potential customers feel confident about investing their money in this product. Will it last a lifetime? Is it healthier than other products? Maybe it is unique and handmade? Whatever the value is, don’t be shy about bragging!

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